The Best Countries to Work Abroad for Welders, Construction Machine Operators, and Forklift Operators

Quick Answers:

  • Highest paying jobs: Norway, Germany
  • Easiest employment: Netherlands, Austria
  • Best living conditions: Norway, Germany


Deciding to work abroad is a big step that can bring numerous professional and financial benefits. For welders, construction machine operators, and forklift operators, choosing the right country can significantly impact their quality of life and career development. In this article, we will present the best countries to work abroad, analyzing salaries, working conditions, and the demand for skilled workers.

Where is it most profitable to work abroad?

Working in Germany

Germany is one of the most popular destinations for Polish technical workers. According to data from the Federal Employment Agency, the average hourly wage for welders in Germany ranges from 20 to 25 euros, which is significantly higher than in Poland. Germany also offers job stability, good social conditions, and numerous professional development opportunities.

Why choose Germany?

  1. High wages: The average hourly wage for welders ranges from 20 to 25 euros.
  2. Job stability: German companies offer long-term contracts.
  3. Good social conditions: Access to the German health care and social security system.

Working in Norway

Norway offers even higher wages than Germany, although the cost of living is also higher. For welders and construction machine operators, Norway can be an attractive destination due to job stability and good social conditions. The average hourly wage for skilled technical workers in Norway is around 30-35 euros.

Why choose Norway?

  1. Very high wages: The average hourly wage ranges from 30 to 35 euros.
  2. High standard of living: Norway offers excellent living and working conditions.
  3. Good social conditions: A well-developed health and social care system.

Working in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is a country where it is easy to find a job due to the high demand for skilled technical workers. The average hourly wage for welders ranges from 18 to 22 euros. The Netherlands offers stable working conditions and the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience.

Why choose the Netherlands?
  1. High demand for workers: Numerous job offers for welders and operators.
  2. Stable working conditions: Dutch companies offer competitive wages and stable employment.
  3. Professional development opportunities: The Netherlands offers numerous training and professional courses.

Working in Austria

Austria is a country with a developed labor market and high wages. The average wage for construction machine operators in Austria ranges from 25 to 30 euros per hour. Good working conditions and a developed social system make Austria an attractive destination for Polish workers.

Why choose Austria?
  1. High wages: The average hourly wage ranges from 25 to 30 euros.
  2. Good working conditions: A well-developed social security and working conditions system.
  3. Developed labor market: Numerous job offers for construction machine operators and welders.


Choosing the right country to work abroad is crucial for professional success and quality of life. Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, and Austria offer some of the best conditions for welders, construction machine operators, and forklift operators. High wages, job stability, and good social conditions are the main advantages of these countries. Preparing for the trip, including learning the language and gathering the necessary documents, can significantly facilitate the adaptation process and ensure professional success. Being well prepared makes your way to succes easier!

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